Contact Information


Royal Group BV - Kruisakkers 2 Kantoor 4 4613BV Bergen op Zoom / Holland. - KvK: 61702102

Privacy Policy

1. Data We Collect

We use log files automatically generated by our server to protect our site from malicious attacks and for statistical purposes. These files contain information about which pages you visited on our site, when you visited those pages, with which operating system and browser, as well as your IP address. When you create a privacy policy and terms of use, the data you provide, including your website or application name, e-mail address, contract expiry date and the city where you are located, and when you create these policies are recorded.

2. Secure Payments

We use Stripe financial services company for your payments and we do not record or manage any of your credit card or payment instrument data.

3. Data Retention

We store the data we collect for the period required for the purposes of processing personal data. Your data is stored on servers in Türkiye and the management of your data is provided from Türkiye.

4. Data Sharing

We do not share your data with third parties except to fulfill our legal obligations and to protect our rights in response to binding requests from the courts.

5. Cookie Policy

Cookies are simple text files that are placed on your browser by many websites to recognize your preferences and movements. We use cookies on our site for security and analytics services. In addition, advertising partners and other third parties may use cookies to track visitors to our site if we publish an ad on our site. Such monitoring is done through the servers of third parties and data processing policies are governed by the privacy policies of those third parties.

6. Policy Updates

We reserve the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy. Therefore, you can check the Privacy Policy regularly to see what changes have been made. By looking at the date of the update at the beginning of the Privacy Policy, you can see when it was last changed.